Forecast Updated on Thursday, June 27, 2024, at 3:50am by WBOC Meteorologist Mike Lichniak.

Today: Showers / storms possible early in the morning. Otherwise, it becomes mostly sunny and breezy. Highs: 85-92. Winds: W-NW 5-20+ mph.

Tonight: Mostly clear with lowering humidity levels. Lows: 59-69. Winds: N 5-10 mph. 

Friday: Sunny and comfortable. Highs: 75-87. Winds: NE-SE 5-15 mph.

Friday Night: Mostly clear. Lows: 64-74. Winds: SE-S 5-15 mph. 

Saturday: Partly to mostly sunny with the slight chance of a pop-up shower / storm. Highs: 86-92. Winds: S 5-20+ mph.

Sunday: Partly to mostly sunny with scattered showers / storms in the afternoon and evening hours. Highs: 87-94. Winds: SW 5-20+ mph.

The cold front is slowly continuing to roll across Delmarva and the rain continues to fall, but thankfully the storm chances have diminished after a very active evening. These rain showers will linger for the next few hours, but should start to taper off by the later stages of the morning hours and will lead to a nice afternoon today. We should see lots of sunshine later today with temperatures into the 80s and low 90s for a few of us, but it will be noticeably more comfortable by later today. This drop in humidity will allow temperatures for Friday morning to fall into the 60s and in our coolest communities, a few upper 50s are possible by tomorrow morning.

Friday will be a cool afternoon compared to what we have been used to the last several days with highs inland in the 80s, at the beach we could see temperatures stuck in the low to mid 70s with the wind turning in off the Atlantic for Friday and Friday night. This will be short lived as we start to feel the humidity go right back up for the weekend with highs back into the 90s for Saturday and Sunday.

Another chance of showers and storms arrives with another cold front arriving by later in the day on Sunday and into Sunday night. The humidity drops again for a day or two for Monday and Tuesday before it spikes right back up in time for the 4th of July next Thursday. At the moment, the 4th of July will have a chance of a few pop-up showers and storms, but I believe the majority of us will be dry. A better chance for showers and storms will hold off until Friday of next week. 

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