Forum discussion

SALISBURY, Md.- The Greater Salisbury Committee and PACE at Salisbury University hosted a forum Wednesday night to discuss the pros and cons of changing Wicomico County’s form of government. 

This past June, the county council put forth a charter amendment for voters to vote on, which would rid the county of the county executive position. Back in 2004, voters decided to have a county council and county executive form of government. 

Those who support the amendment argue the county executive position has caused tension between the branches of government and is an added expense for the county. 

Those who support keeping the position of county executive say it is effective to have a point-person to streamline projects, hiring's and keep a balance of power. 

Voter Michelle Nelson attended the forum and says she is still unsure how she will vote. 

"I really am not sure yet I have tried to research as much as I can," said Nelson. "I'm doing as much as I can to be an informed voter."

Mikele Dhalen also says she is still left with some questions. 

"I came out because I know this is a really important issue," said Dahlen. "I'm undecided and I really wanted to get some more information."

Matt Drew says he came to the forum with an opinion.

"I came in with an opinion and it might have reinforced it in that sense," said Drew. "This is a really important decision for our community."

Drew said he left the forum feeling optimistic for Wicomico County. 

"I think all of the panelists basically said we are a good county of interested people and we are going to be ok," said Drew. 

If voters choose to rid the county of the county executive position, current county executive Julie Giordano will finish the remainder of her term until 2026.