SALISBURY, Md.- Habitat for Humanity is asking Wicomico County to consider two housing proposals.
The first is a tax incentive for building non-profits like Habitat for Humanity. Molly Hilligoss, CEO of Habitat for Humanity Wicomico County says the tax credit for up to 5 years would help their organization cover costs of properties it purchases as it rehabilities homes for families in need.
"It would help in terms of giving us an incentive to purchase more lots so that we can expand our mission of providing more homes available for local families," said Hilligoss.
The second proposal is down payment and closing assistance of up to $40,000 for first time homebuyers earning under 120% of the area median income.
"40 thousand dollars in down payment assistance would really make the difference for families that income qualifies," said Hilligoss. "We have a terrible affordability issue for families who want to become homeowners."
Hilligoss says these proposals would not impact the county’s overall budget because this money could come from the Maryland Community Reinvestment Fund. This fund is money from cannabis sales, to be used to invest in low-income communities.
"Addressing housing and disparities and that, qualifies so that is where that money would come from so it wouldn't come from the budget at all which is exciting," said Hilligoss.
Council President John Cannon says the council is interested in the proposals.
"It's two fold, you're helping the economically disadvantaged but you are creating an economic development process where you are investing in those neighborhoods," said Cannon.