
Photo: Maryland Office of the State Fire Marshal

CAMBRIDGE, MD - The Maryland Office of the State Fire Marshal is investigating two structure fires that occurred on Wednesday in Dorchester county. 

The Maryland Office of the State Fire Marshal is investigating two structure fires that occurred on August 21st, at 5093 Stone Boundary Road in Cambridge. 

Fire officials described the properties as a non-operational butcher shop and storage building and the other as a vacant two-story, wood frame farm house.

According to officials, the fire originated inside the butcher shop shortly after  the owner had been inside working. Embers from the fire landed on the cedar shingles of the vacant property nearby. The fire eventually spread to the remainder of the house. 

The state fire marshal says it took 3 hours and 75 firefighters to put out the flames.

The estimated loss of the structure is $600,000 and the content loss is estimated at $250,000. 

No one was injured, according to state officials.

The Maryland Office of the State Fire Marshal continue to investigate this incident. 

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