carper biden

U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Delaware) and President Joe Biden. (X:@SenatorCarper) 

President Joe Biden's decision to bow out of the 2024 presidential election has elicited a range of reactions from political figures. One notable response comes from U.S. Senator Tom Carper, a longtime ally who has worked alongside Biden for nearly five decades.

Senator Carper expressed his support for Biden's decision, calling it "the right thing not just for the Democratic Party but for our country."

Biden's political career began in Delaware in 1971 and led to his presidency in 2021. Senator Carper highlighted Biden's leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic. "He took office in the middle of a pandemic, and his predecessor said the pandemic would just fade away. We ended up losing hundreds of thousands of lives. I will always remember how [President Biden] took the bull by its horns," Carper remarked.

Delaware State University political science professor Sam Hoff emphasized the urgency for the Democratic National Committee to look ahead. "Bottom line is, whatever procedure, it has to occur as soon as possible so whoever the nominee is can tell us who their vice-presidential preference is," Hoff said.

Carper also supported the possibility of Vice President Kamala Harris being the Democratic nominee. "She is a very different person from the Republican nominee. She knows how to debate, and she's been debating cases in major federal courts for years. I would not want to get on the other side of that debate, so we'll let someone else do that—in this case, Mr. Trump," Carper commented.

Hoff added that there appear to be no issues with transferring Biden's fundraising capabilities to Harris.

Reflecting on his long partnership with Biden, Carper said, "It has been my privilege to serve the people of Delaware and America with Joe Biden for 50 years. I love him like a brother. He’s a proud Democrat, but he’s an American first."

Carper, who announced in May 2023 that he would not seek re-election, concluded by expressing his gratitude and well-wishes for Biden and his family. "May God bless them today and in the days to come."