SBY Parking

SALISBURY, Md.- A conflict between a developer and the city of Salisbury may put some in downtown Salisbury in a tough spot.

Developer Brad Gillis owns lots downtown, where Gillis plans to build apartments and a parking garage. Until shovels hit the dirt, through a contract with the city, the city has been allowed to avail the lots for the public to use for parking. 

However, Gillis says the city, specifically Mayor Randy Taylor, has ‘stood in the way’ of the project’s ‘good faith efforts to develop the Salisbury Town-Center Project as intended by the parties' agreement’. 

"It is our opinion that the city of Salisbury is no longer working in faith towards executing their obligations," said Gillis. 

Gillis says the project should be further along in the process, but says Mayor Randy Taylor is throwing up roadblocks. Randy Taylor denies this, and says there are still issues with the project that must be resolved before it can move forward. 

"It's all about trying to make Salisbury this infield project cohesive and allow it to be a healthy accessible place for people to come live and work," said Taylor. 

Despite the conflict with the mayor, Gillis says he has the support from the community for this project. 

"The reason that I know we're on the right side of this issue is the amount of people that we hear from. We have over two dozen letters of support all the way to Perdue and smaller retailers," said Gillis. 

Gillis says because of the conflict, he is closing the lots off from the public come November 11th. Taylor says the developer has no authority to do so. 

"There is no basis on which he would have the authority to do that," said Taylor. 

Gillis says he can, and that it was a difficult decision. 

"It is one of the hardest, most difficult decisions that I've had to make, but I feel that it is the best decision right now for us," said Gillis. 

In a letter back to Gillis, Taylor says the city will not stop anyone from using the lots. Gillis says the lots will be fenced off to keep the public from parking on his lots. 


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