Andy Harris Not Speaking

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md., played a pivotal role in a tense moment on Capitol Hill as House Speaker Mike Johnson’s reelection briefly appeared in jeopardy.

Harris, who chairs the conservative House Freedom Caucus, was among six caucus members who initially withheld their votes during the roll call. Though they later shifted their support to Johnson, the brief rebellion left Johnson’s speakership hanging in the balance.

During the roll call, Harris notably remained silent when called to vote.

“Harris of Maryland… Harris of Maryland…” the clerk repeated, met with silence.

Last week, Harris expressed dissatisfaction with Johnson’s handling of recent government shutdown budget negotiations.

“We do need to consider whether, if we're going to advance Mr. Trump's agenda, whether the current leadership is what we need,” Harris said.

Despite former President Donald Trump endorsing Johnson on Truth Social, several Freedom Caucus members initially declined to support him.

It remains unclear how much Harris influenced his colleagues’ decisions or what ultimately led him to switch his own vote in favor of Johnson. Analysts speculate that Harris and other Republicans may have realized that failing to unite behind Johnson could have paved the way for Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries to ascend to the speakership.

Harris had previously spoken positively about his relationship with Johnson, telling WBOC in November, “This is a significant portion of the Republican conference, so we have the ear of the Speaker. I'm in contact with the Speaker on a number of issues: security, spending, the border.”

After the initial deadlock, Johnson reportedly met with several House Republicans, including Harris. When the vote resumed, two Republicans flipped their votes, securing Johnson’s position as Speaker.

In a statement late Friday, Harris said "we voted for Mike Johnson for Speaker of the House because of our steadfast support for President Trump and to ensure the timely certification of his electors."

The brief but dramatic standoff highlighted Harris’ influence within the GOP and his role in shaping the party’s direction during a critical moment in House leadership.

Broadcast/Video Journalist

Hunter is the Anchor of WBOC News at 7, and a Reporter. He joined Delmarva’s News Leader in June 2021, fulfilling a lifelong passion for working in TV news. He’s a Dorchester County native and attended Chesapeake College and Salisbury University.

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