Pride Crosswalks

SALISBURY, Md. -- During a recent city meeting, Mayor Randy Taylor said the rainbow-painted pride crosswalks downtown should be painted over. Taylor said they should be replaced with something more "inclusive". 

In 2018, PFLAG, an LGBTQ organization received a permit from the City of Salisbury to paint three crosswalks in downtown. Mark DeLancey, Executive Director of Salisbury PFLAG, said they show support to the LGBTQ community. 

For the past six years, the colorful walkways have stayed put, but now Taylor said he would like to paint over them. 

Taylor did provide WBOC with a statement: 

"I am a fan of public art but my view is it should be inclusive, hopefully reflective of our history, be inspiring, uplifting avoid singular political issues. I have spoken to dozens of friends and residents from all over the art and political spectrum - and finding balance in that approach is still evolving. I am hopeful that the coming meetings will be fruitful in that process!"

DeLancey said the crosswalks check most of those boxes. 

"A lot of people say 'well it's just pretty colors' or 'it's just a rainbow', it's so much more than just a rainbow, it's a safe area for youth, for trans children, for parents and friends," said DeLancey. 

Taylor also said he would like to see balance among the public art. Jaiere Moss wouldn't mind seeing some new artwork. 

"I think they should change the vibe up for a little bit, and see how everybody like it down here," said Moss. 

And, Moss has an idea. 

"I think they mayor, if he could change it to like Black Lives Matter," said Moss. 

For the crosswalks to change though, Mayor Taylor would have to give a direct order, or the city council would need to sign off. Councilmember Michele Gregory doesn't see the latter happening. 

"I don't think there is any will on the part of the council to cover that up, I think there's more will to expand and open up new areas," said Gregory. 

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