Trump sign


ROYAL OAK, MD - Political signs along roads in Talbot County have been targeted by vandals, with many reports of theft or defacement in recent weeks, according to the Talbot County Sheriff's Office.

Sheriff Joe Gamble confirmed that numerous complaints have been filed by residents, particularly along Royal Oak Road, where political signs dot many yards. Recently, Trump signs have been spray-painted with black paint, kicked over, or stolen entirely.

"We know there's a contentious election coming up," Sheriff Gamble said. "As signs are starting to appear, we want to remind people that this is private property. People have property rights. It’s a First Amendment issue—freedom of speech."

Carolyn Duval, a resident affected by the vandalism, said this isn’t the first time her signs have been targeted.

"They were spray-painted about three weeks ago for the first time, then again about a week ago," Duval explained. "It’s unnerving knowing someone came onto my property to do this. The signs aren’t meant to be offensive—just to express my political opinion."

After her signs were defaced, Duval's neighbor, Mary Harris, replaced them. However, the vandalism persisted.

"It’s frustrating. It’s a violation of freedom of speech," Harris said. She noticed all her neighbors' signs had been similarly defaced.

"I was surprised. It doesn’t matter which side you vote for—this just shouldn’t happen," Harris added.

The Talbot County Sheriff's Office is urging anyone with information to come forward. Defacing or stealing political signs is considered a misdemeanor, and authorities are seeking the community's assistance in preventing further incidents.

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