Trump Sign on Dover rd

Trump Sign on Dover rd.

EASTON, MD. - Political signs along roads in Talbot County have once again become targets of vandalism. Just weeks after similar incidents were reported in the Royal Oak area, new cases emerged in Easton over the weekend, with numerous Donald Trump signs reported stolen or damaged.

Two of the incidents occurred within a few houses of each other. Typically, political signs are scattered, standing, around town, but in certain areas like the corner of Choptank Avenue and Dover Road, the damage was more concentrated. Further down Choptank Avenue, additional yard signs were defaced.

Christopher Horney, whose family lives in the neighborhood, said this is a recurring problem. "Just driving around, you see spray paint everywhere and signs being ripped apart. It’s terrible," Horney said.

Easton resident Greg Cox has also observed the vandalism. "I go up and down the bike trail every day, and there’s a guy on the corner by the old railroad station. He has Trump signs in the front yard, and I see them every day. But a couple of days ago, I noticed the sign was torn up and thrown into the street," Cox shared.

While some residents have chosen to leave the vandalized signs in place, others have decided against replacing them. "I don’t want to spend money just for someone to vandalize it," Horney added.

Easton Police say they typically see an increase in this type of vandalism during election years but emphasize that it is still a crime. "Entering someone’s property to commit a crime is unlawful. Regardless of your feelings about a particular candidate, be respectful of other people's property," said Captain Gregory Wright of the Easton Police Department.

The Easton Police Department is urging residents to remain vigilant and report any further damage or theft of political signs.