Oxford Town Meeting


OXFORD, MD - Controversial comments have surfaced in a Talbot County town following a significant change to the Oxford council meeting procedure. During Tuesday’s Oxford Commissioner meeting, a community member questioned the new policy, asking, "Are you really not gonna allow public comment on this?"

The change, introduced by Commissioner Norm Bell, restricts public comments during meetings. Comments can only be made before the meeting or after discussions and votes have taken place.

"We try to get our agenda out there on the Thursday before Tuesday of the following week where we can get input from the citizens both before the meeting in writing, emails, or even just stopping us on the street," said Commissioner Tom Costigan.

Costigan emphasized that the policy aims to restore order during meetings.

"We have had situations here where we've had citizens in the crowd yelling at us and then yelling at each other. We can't have that," said Costigan.

Despite the new regulations, tensions were high during the meeting. Commissioner Norm Bell slammed the gavel twice and demanded a crowd member to "sit down!"

Jan Greenhawk, one of the citizens who spoke out during the meeting, said she felt silenced after expressing her concerns.

"It seems to be that they want to silence citizen participation in most of the meeting. That’s really draconian and against our constitutional rights," said Greenhawk.

The policy change was passed by a 2-1 vote, with Commissioner Katrina Greer casting the lone vote against it. Greer expressed concern over the timing and transparency of the decision.

"It doesn’t give you the right to be heard at the meeting, A. B, this agenda was not posted and the resolution was not posted until Monday. And my counterproposal was not posted at all. So what's the rush?" said Commissioner Greer.

The town of Oxford has scheduled a public workshop for Wednesday, October 2nd, where residents will only be able to listen while commissioners discuss potential changes to the resolution.