OCEAN CITY, MD - The Ocean City Police Department has provided an update on an investigation into sex scandal allegations against five of their officers.

In April, the Department received a complaint that one of their female officers had sexual relations with three male coworkers and exchanged inappropriate messages with another. In May, Ocean City Police announced three of those employees had been suspended as an investigation was conducted.

On September 18th, police said that the investigation into the alleged misconduct was still ongoing.

"We promised our community that we would take this matter seriously and were committed to conducting a comprehensive and meticulous investigation into the citizens' complaint that was received in April,” Ocean City Police Chief Buzzuro said Wednesday. “After an extensive investigation, the Office of Professional Standards submitted its findings to the Worcester County Administrative Charging Committee this week.  We want to reiterate our commitment to transparency in this process, ensuring that our community is informed at every step.”

Police say the Charging Committee will forward a disciplinary recommendation to Chief Buzzuro once they have finished their evaluation of the findings. The officers can then accept that recommendation or go before a trial board. These final steps in the investigation are expected to take some time, according to police.