Oil City Traffic lights

OIL CITY, MD - After years of frequent accidents at a busy intersection in Oil City, a small community near Denton, Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) crews installed new traffic lights Thursday, offering relief to local residents.

The intersection of Greensboro Road and Burrsville Road had long been a concern for residents, who reported near-daily accidents. On Wednesday morning, two neighbors witnessed yet another crash at the intersection, further highlighting the ongoing issue.

However, the installation of new three-color traffic lights on Thursday has sparked hope that the intersection will now be safer for motorists.

For years, the intersection had been controlled by flashing red and yellow lights, which residents say contributed to the high number of accidents. The new system includes traditional red, yellow, and green signals to provide clearer guidance for drivers.

“I think it’s going to be a huge improvement,” said Alicia Ciprich, who lives near the intersection. “Poor folks can’t even cross to get their mail.”

Ciprich, along with other residents, has witnessed numerous crashes over the years. "Probably at least two to three accidents a year happen in our yard," she said. "We've had telephone poles snapped, all of our trees hit, and people even took out our fences."

The SHA required a certain number of accidents, referred to as "warrants," to justify installing a traffic light at the intersection, according to Caroline County officials.

Other locals are also optimistic about the changes. Mahlon Woods, a resident of nearby Collinswood Point, said the new lights provide clearer instructions for drivers. “I think it’s better overall to have a clear indication of what everyone should be doing, so people aren’t guessing,” Woods said.

Arnold Bordly, a frequent driver through the intersection, agreed. "I think it’s a good thing—a good idea to have one there."

Maryland SHA officials confirmed that the new traffic lights are expected to be fully operational by the end of Thursday.

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