Oil City Intersection


OIL CITY, MD - A solution is coming to address a long-standing traffic problem at a busy four-way intersection in Oil City, a small community just outside of Denton.

Residents say accidents at the intersection of Greensboro Road and Burrsville road have become almost a daily occurrence. Two neighbors reported yet another crash at the intersection Wednesday morning.

In response, the Maryland State Highway Administration plans to install a new three-color traffic light at the intersection on Thursday. Currently, the intersection is controlled by flashing red and yellow lights, but residents say they do little to slow down traffic or promote caution.

"Speed, it seems like it’s picked up, and overall, it’s just a dangerous corner," said Art Mitchell, a resident of nearby Collinswood Point. He expressed concern about his own safety when turning left into his neighborhood.

"Cars are rushing 45 to 50 miles an hour, and we have to worry that the car behind us isn’t going to rear-end us," Mitchell said.

For years, the Caroline County Commission has been advocating for a full traffic light at the intersection. Vice President Larry Porter explained the lengthy process involved in getting the traffic signal approved.

"For the State Highway Administration to put a red light there, it has to meet a certain number of what they call 'warrants,' which means there must be a certain number of accidents," Porter said.

While Porter acknowledged the new light could cause traffic backups, he believes the benefits outweigh the inconvenience.

"It’s probably going to create backups, and I understand people will be upset about that in the beginning," Porter said. "But having people stop at a red light and allowing traffic to move through safely will make it better for everyone."

Mark Snyder, another Collinswood resident, supports the change.

"I’ve seen many accidents at the intersection, and I think this will really benefit the community and the people traveling through the area," Snyder said.

New road signs warning drivers of the upcoming traffic light have already been installed along roads leading to the intersection, in an effort to alert drivers about the change.

The new traffic signal is set to be operational by the end of the week.

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