The Two Heroes

Nathan Kersey (left) and Sarah Ady (right) at the house in Westover. 

WESTOVER, MD - Two more heroes have come forward as having helped during a Somerset County fire on Tuesday afternoon. 

The Maryland State Fire Marshall's Office has determined the cause of Tuesday's house fire as an accidental stovetop fire. 

Somerset neighbors Nathan Kersey and Sarah Ady told WBOC they were driving past the home when the smoke caught their eye. They then decided to turn around to see how they could help. 

"I seen someone out of the corner of my eye, and I yelled at him to get her," Ady said. "And then we both just ran to the door and started yelling at the man."

The couple said they saw a woman out front on the lawn, and then a man still inside the home. Kersey said a light in the dark was what helped him save the man's life.

"I happened to see a flashlight," Kersey said. "He was maybe three steps up this staircase. So, without even thinking, I just went in and was feeling around. Then all of the sudden I found his arm and I dragged him out."

Kersey said Cody Bradshaw, the other hero who helped the couple, held the door before they pulled the man out of the burning house. 

The couple says they and Bradshaw pulled everyone across the street to safety. They said things could have been very different if they and Bradshaw hadn't been there when they were. 

"That man would have not had made it out of that house," Kersey said. "And he was only three steps from getting out. That one little beacon of light saved his life."

The couple says they hope to connect with the people from home in the future under different circumstances. 

WBOC also spoke with the homeowner's daughter today. She said she's thankful to both the fire department and the local heroes who helped get everyone out safely. 

The daughter also said they're raising funds to cover the cost of safely removing the home and relocating the homeowner due to lack of home insurance. 

Those interested in donating can visit the GoFundMe link. She says any leftover funds will be donated to local organizations.