mills pd

Millsboro Police officials tell WBOC they are looking to hire at least one new officer this spring. (Photo: WBOC) 

SUSSEX COUNTY, Del.- The Millsboro Police Department has lifted its starting age restriction of 39 in hopes of attracting more candidates.

According to Lieutenant David Moyer, this move could help the department attract top talent without sacrificing quality.

"We don't want to lower our standards to bring people in. We found that lifting the age restriction is a way that we can open up our pool and still gain a higher level of applicant," he said.

Lt. Moyer believes this could also draw candidates with law enforcement backgrounds who have moved to Delaware from neighboring states.

Town Manager Jamie Burk said town council was fully supportive of this policy amendment. Voting 7-0 to approve it last week. 

Burk made sure to mention that first-time candidates will still be required to pass physical fitness, psychological and background checks.

"Above everything else they still have to pass the minimal fitness requirements so you know that they can handle the job," he said. 

Lt. Moyer also assured that older rookies would still be eligible for pensions, as the department does not have an age-out limit.

"We are going to be able to gain experience. Maybe people from other law enforcement agencies can come here that are maybe above that 39-year-old threshold, and then we can also gain maturity. I think society is looking for police officers with maturity and experience to come in here," Moyer added.

Many other police departments in Delaware do not have starting age restrictions, although Dover Police and Delaware State Police do.

Millsboro is looking to hire at least one new officer this spring and two more next fall.

Lt. Moyer also provided an update on the construction of the new police headquarters in Millsboro, which is expected to be up and running by December.