Maryland tolls

BALTIMORE - Marylanders have three months left to pay their outstanding video tolls without running the risk of racking up late fees, the MDTA announced Wednesday.

The MDTA Board in February approved a new nine-month plan that establishes a grace period for unpaid tolls, waiving civil penalties for anyone who pays their outstanding bills in full by Dec. 1.

Unpaid tolls will not be referred to the MDTA's collections unit or the Motor Vehicle Administration during the grace period, which allows customers to pay in full without late fees by 11:59 p.m. on Nov. 30.

The MDTA board emphasized that the customer assistance plan is not a forgiveness program—MDTA will resume referrals of unpaid tolls and late fees to collections and the MVA once the grace period runs out.

The agency urges residents not to wait until it is too late, and start paying off outstanding tolls now. Customers could treat the waiver grace period as a payment plan by stretching out the payments over the next four months.

As of Aug. 28, 2022, $67.4 million in civil penalties have been waived for approximately 444,000 drivers and businesses that have paid their outstanding video tolls, the MDTA said. 

Anyone with a toll can pay their bill in a variety of ways