Maryland flag

(Photo: MGN Online)

MARYLAND - The State of Maryland has announced closures and updated information for state offices. 

According to the Maryland Department of Budget and Management, "government agencies and offices are closed tomorrow, Monday, January 6, 2025, for all counties and Baltimore City from 6:00 a.m. through the end of the day shift."

The state says employees who are eligible to telework should remain at home and work as scheduled unless leave is granted. Additionally, emergency essential employees should report to work as scheduled. 

According to Maryland officials, "closing and/or liberal leave information applies to principal units and independent agencies in the Executive Branch except educational units under the jurisdiction of the University of Maryland, Morgan State University, St. Mary's College of Maryland, Maryland School for the Deaf and Baltimore City Community College."​​

Sam joined the WBOC team in January 2024 as a News Producer. She graduated from the University of Delaware in May of 2023 with a Bachelor of Arts in Media Communication. Before working at WBOC, Sam worked for Hens All-Access in the University of Delaware’s Athletics Department. She also interned for the Delmarva Sports Network in 2022. 

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