SUSSEX COUNTY -- A rising percentage of homelessness in Delaware kept volunteers and employees busy at Love Inc. of Mid-Delmarva in 2024.
Connie Mears works in the organization's connections center, taking calls from those in need.
"It could be anywhere from 12 to 15 a day to 30 or more a day," Mears said.
Mears told WBOC that she's seen an increase in need over her eight years with the organization.
"I think our homeless population and our population of people who have needs has grown tremendously lately," Mears said.
Delaware's 2024 PIT count, the most recent survey of homelessness rates as of the publication of this article, showed a 9% increase in homelessness from 2023.
Love Inc. of Mid-Delmarva also released its 2024 impact study. The non-profit saw more than 6400 overnight stays at their shelters, 15,000 clothing items donated, and more than 21,000 meals and pantry bags served.
"The thing is, it could be any one of us," Community Relations Director Giovanni Otero said. "Love INC. means Love in the Name of Christ, and we stand by treating others the way we would want to be treated."
Otero said the organization looks to do more than just support people when they're most in need.
"It's way harder to get someone out of homelessness than prevent it, so we wanna do both," Otero said.
According to Otero, the non-profit offers support with immediate needs, and also resources to support people down the line. Some examples Otero gave included job resources and financial literacy classes.
"What we're trying to do is help mitigate that, not just to meet the need of people who are experiencing it now, but to hopefully counteract the increase in homelessness numbers."
Those interested in applying to volunteer with Love Inc. of Mid-Delmarva can do so by going to their website and clicking on the 'volunteer' tab. Otero also said those interested in volunteering can call or text (302) 629-7050 for the main line, or reach Otero directly at (302) 309-9927.
Those interested in more information on the organization can visit both the Code Purple Facebook page and the Love Inc. of Mid-Delmarva Facebook page.