Delaware Politicians Invite Public to Wind Farm Informational Meeting

DAGSBORO, Del.- Rep. Ron Gray and Sen. Gerald Hocker on Tuesday invited the public Tuesday to ask questions about an offshore wind farm proposed to come to Fenwick Island's offshore. 

Representatives from the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Contraol and Orsted, the company that wants to build the wind farm, presented information to help address concerns from the public. 

"I heard a lot of concerns that were really just kind of scared and it was a lack of understanding of what this new industry is bringing to the country," said Development Director Joy Weber. 

The mayor of Ocean City, Md., Richard Meehan, attended and expressed he could not let the wind farm happen under his watch. 

"I'm glad to see everyone is understanding and realizing the total impact of these proposed projects. We are very concerned about the visual impact...Later on I don't want people to be complacent. Somebody would look at me and say 'how did you let this happen?' So we've been vigilant the past two years, trying to get the word out," said Mayor Meehan. 

DNREC said Orsted has the permit approval to build in federal waters. DNREC will accept public comment until Dec. 2 and could decide to move the transmission line for the wind farm somewhere else. 

"If they don't land in Fenwick, they might have to look for another location for them to land on shore," said DNREC Secretary Shawn Garvin. 

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