Menhaden Fishing Net Reel at the Lewes Historical Society

LEWES, Del. - The location of an old historic structure caused a lot of debate in the City of Lewes but on Monday there is a public hearing about an ordinance that would allow the display to stay where it is. 

Community members are hoping this piece of history remains untouched.

The Menhaden Fishing Net Reel is at the center of attention. It's currently located at the Lewes Historical Society and many say they hope it stays where it belongs.

The big wooden wheel played a crucial role in the menhaden fishing industry for decades. However, the museum was told to take it down by the city because it was not up to code. The Lewes Historical Society's Director of Education is going to the public hearing to explain why it should stay. 

“I'm personally hoping for a realization and a continued acknowledgment of the importance of the history of this piece and it being housed at the museum. The society has said from the beginning that the location is ideal and indeed the location is ideal even if the discussion is not,” says Marcos Salaverria.

The city proposed an ordinance to amend city codes related to museums and museum exhibits. However, the City's Historic Preservation Architectural Review Commission does not want the ordinance passed - disagreeing with the proposed change to the rules.

Lewes City Manager, Ann Marie Townshend, is looking forward to hearing everyone's comments.

“We have a high level of volunteerism and a very passionate service-oriented community. When you have an engaged community, they come out and sometimes there's agreement and disagreement. As a community, we just have to work through it,” says Townshend.

The ordinance was not voted on Monday night but people are relieved to be one step closer to finalizing the ongoing debate about the structures location. 

The ordinance could be up for vote as early as council's next regular meeting on Monday, March 14.

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