Laurel Police

LAUREL, DE — The Laurel Town Council is set to hold a second reading tonight on an ordinance that would toughen enforcement of the town’s juvenile curfew. An aspect of the proposed changes would allow police to take first-time offenders into custody, marking a shift from the current policy of issuing written warnings.

The existing curfew, expanded back in January to include all individuals aged 17 and under, sets a nightly restriction of 11 p.m. 

As for enforcement, Laurel Police Chief Robert Kracyla says they still will lead with education first; asking the violators to go home, and informing them of the curfew. 

“We always try to work with the juvenile, and work with the families, but when they refuse, they ultimately put us at a point where we have to do something with them," said Chief Kracyla, "This gives us that authority to take them into custody and turn them back over to their parents.”

Kracyla said he does not expect to make widespread use of the powers, and says the curfew has been effective and enforcement has been seldom used. 

“I don’t see this as something that’s gonna have big big numbers, it’s just a tool for the future if we need it,” Kracyla said.

The ordinance also continues to include penalties for parents of repeat offenders. Parents would face a $75 fine on a second violation and a $100 fine for a third. They could also be required to attend parenting classes or complete community service.

“There's gonna be fines for the parent as well – we’re gonna have the parents held to some level of accountability as well once they've have repeated events,” Kracyla added.

Exceptions to the curfew remain for juveniles involved in work, religious services, school functions, and other events. 

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