Protective Gear

POCOMOKE CITY, Md --- It is an unfortunate reality. Many parents are adding bulletproof gear to their kid's back-to-school shopping list. Hardwire, LLC in Pocomoke City recently donated 1,600 emergency response shields to Wicomico, Somerset, and Worcester County Schools. John Laverty, a patrolman with the Pocomoke Police department says these shields will help first responders save lives.

"God forbid it happens, it would assist us in our primary objective of preserving life," Laverty says. "It will save these kids, it will save these children, it will save these students."

And whether you have access to the shields or not, George Tunis, the owner of Hardwire says that even the extra layer of protection like backpack inserts add some sense of comfort.

"Backpack inserts that are really thin, even my daughter in pre-K has one in her backpack. Is she going to save the world with this no, but does it give me a great deal of peace of mind that she has it? You bet. "

Laverty also says the best way to make sure children are prepared is to have an honest conversation before school ever starts.

"The best way for parents to prepare their children is definitely to walk them through it from start to finish," Laverty says. "What to do, when to call 911, what you do when you get out, how far away do you run. Just walk them through step by step until they can repeat it back to you."

And he hopes that kids can just be kids in the midst of everything.

"Don't let it ruin your life. Still live your life," Laverty says. "You're still a teenager. You know, be happy be free, enjoy school as much as you can, because you're going to be an adult soon. But, like with all dangers just keep it in the back of your mind. and most importantly if you see something say something."

Hardwire, LLC and police say they hope students and teachers have a fun school year while keeping safety in the back of their minds.