Carney Signing

Governor John Carney signing the House Bill 329 into law on September 19th. 

DELAWARE - At a Delaware Volunteer Firefighter's Association luncheon on September 19th, Delaware Governor John Carney signed a bill into law increasing the penalties associated with failing to move over for vehicles parked on the shoulder. 

Representative Jeff Hilovsky, who sponsored the bill, said it hopes to incentivize drivers to either move lanes or slow down at least 20 mph for vehicles on the side of the road. 

The new law requires drivers to move over for vehicles such as first responders, construction workers, utility crews, or even cars parked along the road with their hazards on. 

And striking a first responder on duty on the side of the road is now listed as a class F felony, according to the new law. 

Representative Hilovsky said the premises of the new law will also be taught in driving education courses across Delaware. He also said, this is about safety for those who work on the road. 

"It's somebody's brother, somebody's son, somebody's dad," Representative Hilovsky said. "It's a community member, and when you put their lives at risk, what are you thinking. Let's do the right thing."

John Peterson, President of the Sussex County Fire Police Association, agreed. He said his team worked with Representative Hilovsky on the bill after learning how low the fine was for a firefighter struck in Lewes. 

"We found out the ticket written was $45, and we're going, a man's life was just endangered for $45?" Peterson said. 

Peterson said even his vehicle had been hit on scene, and hopes the new law spreads awareness and saves lives. 

Peterson also said they hope to continue adding to the new law. One example he gave was the possibility of adding points to the licenses of those who fail to yield.