Georgetown Circle

GEORGETOWN, DE – The newly formed committee of Georgetown citizens and town officials convened today for the first time to address safety concerns at the Georgetown Circle. The groups formation following a series of recent accidents that have damaged property, including memorial monuments. The committee, dubbed the "Circle Advisory Committee," is tasked with finding solutions to prevent further incidents while preserving the circle's historical significance and aesthetic appeal.

During the meeting, a range of community members, including business owners, neighbors, town officials, and the police chief, gathered to brainstorm potential solutions. While no official decisions were made, several ideas were discussed, such as installing flashing warning lights down the block, increasing the coverage of concrete barriers, reinforcing existing structures, enhancing police presence, and possibly restricting truck access to the circle.

“There’s a lot of history here" said committee member and neighbor Dennis Winzenried "So maintaining that and keeping it safe are the priorities, but definitely the appearance, the safety of the circle - and the memorials are very important. That’s top priority.” 

Town Manager Gene Dvornick highlighted the significance of the Georgetown Circle to Sussex County and Delaware as a whole, stressing the importance of thoughtful planning to preserve the circle's beauty while improving safety. As for the next step on the ideas,

“My staff and I will be going through and gathering information on various things that were discussed, including cost estimates, and we’ll present some of those things to the committee. Ultimately, the committee will make some recommendations to get back to the town council.” said Dvornick. 

As the committee moves forward, Dvornik says he plans to work closely with a landscape architect to ensure that any proposed changes—such as fortifying existing bollards—enhance safety without detracting from the circle's charm. The committee will continue to meet over the next six months, with the aim of eventually presenting a comprehensive set of recommendations to the town council.

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