Dewey Beach Quiet Sign

DEWEY BEACH, DE - The Dewey Beach Town Council will discuss the possibility of updating their noise ordinance regarding sound meters at their upcoming meeting on Friday, September 20th. 

Town officials said the possible update comes after recent noise complaints regarding local restaurants. 

"We have to enforce noise," town commissioner Paul Bauer said. "We have an ordinance in place now, 65 decibels."

Bauer says their current ordinance only allows specially trained officers to use the sound readers to respond to noise complaints. 

Town leaders said the proposed change would allow any trained officer or town staff member to do the same. 

Bauer said the increased allowance of who can use the devices would free up otherwise occupied officers and allow for more responses. 

However, Bauer said the issues are sometimes tricky to solve. 

"It's best if everyone works it out together," Bauer said. "And the town doesn't have to intervene and try to settle disputes."

Rhonda Housley has lived in Dewey Beach for 20 years, and said the noise has never bothered her. 

Housley said she downloaded a decibel reader on her phone out of curiosity, and that the loudest reading she found was the ocean itself. 

"You kinda expect to have music, entertainment, noises, when you live in a resort area," Housley said. 

Bob Paulen has also lived in Dewey Beach for 20 years. 

Paulen said he thinks the readers are a good idea for instances where a neighborhood house might be too loud. However, Paulen said he hopes it doesn't interfere with live music and restaurant business. 

"The businesses need that music," Paulen said. "That's part of why people are here."

While no decision has been made yet, the Dewey Beach Town Council will discuss and possibly vote on the proposal at their upcoming meting. The change would take effect immediately if the vote passes.