DELAWARE - The Delaware Division of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) will be auctioning off low digit surf fishing license plates on Tuesday.
The state is auctioning off just 15 low digit surf fishing tags.
Numbers will include 32, 58, 143, 226, 355, 488, and eight “choice” categories, ranging from tags 51 to 9999. For the choice tags, the highest bidder in each range can choose a number, if it’s not already sold, within that category, according to DNREC.
Minimum bids will be 250 dollars.
Low digit surf fishing plate auctions were authorized by Delaware's General Assembly in 2015 and have since become an annual tradition.
DNREC stresses that a surf fishing tag does not allow drive-on surf fishing access. You still are required to have a valid surf fishing permit.