DELAWARE - DNREC is reminding visitors that state parks will charge entrance fees from March 1 through Nov. 30.
State park entrance fees for vehicles registered in Delaware are $4 at inland parks and $5 at ocean parks. Fees for out-of-state vehicles are $8 at inland parks and $10 at ocean parks. Daily fees for Deauville Beach are $15 for weekdays and $20 for weekends. Entrance fees will remain in effect through Nov. 30, which is the normal fee season end date.
Annual passes are available to access all 17 Delaware State Parks for the entire fee season. Discount passes may also be available to qualifying individuals, groups, athletic teams, or families.
For a complete list of discount programs and to purchase your pass, visit Those who purchase annual passes online will receive a virtual pass that can be used up to 30 days from the date of purchase until the actual pass is received via mail.
Additionally, annual and two-year surf fishing permits provide year-round drive-on beach access, including weekends and holidays. Off-peak surf fishing permits provide year-round access, excluding weekends and holidays from May through Labor Day weekend. Both kinds of surf fishing permit decals also enable the vehicle to gain entrance into the other state parks without paying the daily entrance fee.
A reservation is required for permitted vehicles to access any of the seven Delaware State Parks multi-use drive-on beaches for weekends and holidays from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day. Visit for information on the reservation process.
DNREC says revenue generated from annual pass and permit sales is used to manage 17 state parks, the Brandywine Zoo and more than 26,500 acres of state park lands. Park users generate 70% of the revenue utilized to operate and maintain the parks.