CAMBRIDGE, Md. --- It's a "crabby" kind of Christmas in Cambridge. This 20 feet tall Crab Bushel Christmas Tree stands proud on the corners of downtown. Margaret Knudsen says the tradition was started nine years ago as a way to bring people downtown and also as a way to celebrate the city's heritage.

"What makes us unique is where we are situated on the water and our history as being watermen so it's a great draw to get people downtown", Knudsen said.

And the people of Cambridge like sims rogers love seeing it every year.

"Speaks volumes about the community", Rogers said. "And the area and the tree and its different and it's cool."

And Pam Ward says visitors from out of town are often curious about this festive masterpiece.

"You know these are bushel baskets. A lot of people don't know what these are because you're not from the Eastern Shore and you get the whole bushel of crabs in these things. But for the Eastern Shore, we all know what this is. We all know what this represents because this is the Eastern Shore for up."

Now local I spoke with did say the best time to view this bustle basket Christmas tree is actually during the nighttime hours when the lights are on illuminating and showcasing the eastern shore Christmas spirit.