OCEAN CITY, Md. -- For the first time in more than 100 years, the Ocean City Police Department will be without its seasonal officer program. So, on Tuesday, town leaders went before the Worcester County Commissioners to ask for more money.
Mayor Rick Meehan told WBOC that the money will be used to hire new officers and equip them with the necessary equipment.
According to Meehan, hiring new officers will mean implementing new incentives, which will not be cheap.
"They'll be year-round, not just seasonal, so that adds additional cost," said Meehan. "We're also implementing a take-home vehicle program for all of our police officers to remain competitive for recruiting and retention."
Ocean City expects to spend $1,448,350 between starting salaries and new gear, and that's just in the first year. Add in the cost of 10 new cars, upgraded with police technology, and the town is looking at another $829,850.
In total, Ocean City could pay $2,278,200 to boost its police department.
Meehan is hoping the county will be able to cover half of that.
"Otherwise, we're going to have to rely more on the Worcester County Sheriff's Department, which is just going to be an additional expense to Worcester County," said Meehan.
Worcester County Sheriff Matt Crisafulli said that could strain his office.
"If they're lacking the resources and we have to help pick up, of course, we're going to need to deploy more assets in there," said Crisafulli.
However, Crisafulli said during the busy summer season, that happens anyway.
"Theoretically, if Ocean City were to get ten more, theoretically down the line if I were to get ten more deputies, we would still be busy, we would still be assisting each other and we would still be accomplishing the mission," said Crisafulli.
Budget talks in Worcester County are just beginning to ramp up, and the county will likely not have a finalized budget until June.
Commissioner Joe Mitrecic said he does support Ocean City's request. Still, funding will largely depend on the county's money from the state and federal governments.