OAK HALL, Va.- Accomack County enjoyed a winter wonderland Saturday morning.
By 6 AM the snow had stopped falling, and the Virginia Department of Transportation snow plows hit the roads to clear the way for drivers like Greg Lewis.
“It wasn’t bad to get off of work at eight and clean the car off. The roads weren’t too bad, not like last week,” said Lewis.
Lewis says the previous snow was worse than Saturday’s.
“They were a little rough, a little treacherous. I didn’t go out much but they’re not bad at all,” said Lewis.
Lastly, noting that he would be happy if this snow was the last of the season.
“I’m not crazy about it, but you gotta deal with it at times if it doesn't snow anymore this year I’m good,” said Lewis.
WBOC caught up with Chris Marcengill as he and his family were headed to Chincoteague Island for a wedding.
“Just a little wet and slushy, but for the most part, clear. Snow was a little bit on the dry side this morning. 30 seconds to clean off the car was not bad at all,” said Marcengill. “I can live without it lived in Colorado for 15 years this is nothing”
As Accomack County enjoys another dose of snow from mother nature.