Onancock, Va.

ONANCOCK, Va.- Accomack County woke up to icy conditions Thursday morning. 

Neighbor Kenny Walker was cleaning off his car to take his son sledding for the first time. 

“We are taking out my son who’s two years old and we’re going down to the hill to do some sledding at the old school the first snowfall, we didn’t have snow pants or a jacket for him the second one that came through we hadn’t gotten a sled yet finally third times a charm I think we’re gonna have a pretty good day,” said Walker. 

Mark Atkinson was headed out early to take pictures of the snow. 

“I’m going out to take pictures of whatever looks good in the snow,” said Atkinson. “I think it makes everything look better.” 

Neighbor Betsy Seybolt was out walking her dog. 

“I’ve got my dog so we’re gonna make our rounds and we’re gonna play in the snow and take our snow pics and then post them and just snuggle in and have some tea,” said Seybolt. 

Kenny Walker said he was impressed with how quickly the roads were cleared. 

“It’s not too bad we thought it would be a little bit worse it looks like we got some sun coming out this morning they’ve done a really good job keeping the roads together so we’re pretty thankful for that,” said Walker. 

The Virginia Department of Transportation is urging anyone to stay off the roads unless necessary. 

Broadcast/Video Journalist

Rachel Pierce joined the WBOC team in June 2021. Rachel graduated from Syracuse University with a degree in Broadcast Journalism and Political Science. Rachel enjoys spending time with family and friends, running and cooking. 

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